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BOLOGNA M. A., AUDISIO P. A., BIONDI M., CASALE A. – The biogeographical patterns of disjunt distribution with special emphasis on the Mediterranean and southern African model.
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MANCONI R.- The genus Ephydatia (Spongillina: Spongillidae) in Africa: a case of Mediterranean vs. southern Africa disjunct distribution.
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CASSOLA F. – Studies of tiger beetles. CLXVIII. Two interesting examples of Mediterranean-southern African disjunct geographical distributions: the Cicindela of the subgenus Austrocicindela and the genus Platydela (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae).
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CASALE A., RIBERA I. – Are Molopina of the Euro-Mediterranean region related to the Madagascan, South African and Australian Pterostichini? (Coleoptera, Carabidae).
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AUDISIO P., DE BIASE A., KIRK-SPRIGGS A. H., CLINE A. R., TRIZZINO M., ANTONINI G., MANCINI E. – Molecular biogeography of Mediterranean and southern African disjunctions as exemplified by pollen beetles of the Meligethes planiusculus species-group and related taxa (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae; Meligethinae).
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CARPANETO G. M. – The Mediterranean-southern African disjunct distribution pattern in the scarab beetles: a review (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea).
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BOLOGNA M. A., DI GULIO A., PITZALIS M. – Examples of disjunct distributions between Mediterranean and southern or eastern Africa in Meloidae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea).
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BIONDI M., D’ALESSANDRO P. – Mediterranean-southern African disjunct and flea beetles: the example of the “black species” of Longitarsus associated with Boraginaceae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae).
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MEREGALLI M., SILVESTRO D. – Assessing relationships between Mediterranean and Afrotropical taxa of Cleonini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae): a survey based on Bayesian analysis and lineage geohistory reconstruction.
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CALDARA R., COLONNELLI E., OSELLA G. – Curculionidae Curculionidae: relationships between Mediterranean and Southern African species (Coleoptera).
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MEREGALLI M. – Niche shift: a tool for expanding range? The case of Ocladius (Coleoptera: Curcurlionoidea: Brachyceridae).
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SCALICI M., PANCHETTI F., CARPANETO G. M., GIBERTINI G. – A contribution to the phylogeny of the elephant shrews (Mammalia, Macroscelidea).
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