
Geology in the bergamo area is of great importance and can be studied thanks to an extremely interesting collections of samples.

The widespread Karstic phenomenon has been carefully studied and is the theme of the large room illustrating this morphological process.

Mines and quarries have provided an incredibile variety of local minerals and rocks.

The geological area closest to us offers exceptional discoveries among which the resounding find of a complete fossilized skeleton of a deer dating from more than 700 thousand years a go and in a pefect state of conservation, bones and teeth of elephants, rhinoceros and cave bears.

Some rocks of Bergamo valleys, once 220 milion years have preserved the fossils of fishes, crustaceans, marine and land reptiles, flying reptiles and even invertebrates unique in the world.

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Piazza Cittadella, 10 – 24129 Bergamo


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