Volume 20 supplemento - 2000

Third International Symposium on Lithographic Limestones
Bergamo September 1-5, 1999

Afeter D., Teruzzi G. – Thylacocephalan crustaceans from the Besano Formation, Middle Triassic, N. Italy pdf

Applegate S. P. – Recent advances in our knowledge of the Lagerstätten that occurs in the Tlayua quarries near Tepexi de Rodriguez, Puebla, Mexico pdf

Arratia G. – New Jurassic teleostean fishes from the Late Jurassic of Bavaria pdf

Avanzini M. – New Anisian vertebrate tracks from the Southern Alps (Val d’Adige and Valle di Non – Italy) pdf

Barbera C., La Magna G. – Finding of ammonites in the ittiolithiclimestones at Pertraroja pdf

Bausch W. M., Bravi S. – Geochemistry of the Pietraroja Cretaceous plattenkalks (S-Italy) and comparison with the Bolca Eocenic plattenkalk (N-Italy) pdf

Bausch W. M., Bravi S. –  Comparison of S-Italian Profeti and Bassiano platy dolomites and their geochemistries pdf

Bausch W. M., Tintori A., Bodeur Y. – Geochemistry of Zogno Norian Fossil Sites pdf

Blake D. B., Hagdorn H., Tintori A. – Echinoderm taphonomy of the Zorzino Limestone (Norian, Late Triassic) pdf

Bravi S. – A tentative reassessment of the fauna and flora from the Pietraroja plattenkalk (BN) pdf

Bravi S., Casertano G. – The Mount Fallano Jurassic Plattenkalk, (S-Italy): First Observations pdf

Bravi S. and Garassino A. – The Cretaceous plattenkalks of Southern Italy and their crustacean decapods assemblages pdf

Bravi S. and Mega A. – The monte Cigno Plattenkalks (S-Italy) biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment: a first account pdf

Briggs D. E. G. – Decay and mineralization in soft tissue fossilization pdf

Burgin T. – New Actinopterygian fishes (Osteichthyes) from the Lower Meride Limestone (Lower Ladinian) of Aqua del Ghiffo (Monte San Giorgio, Southern Switzerland) pdf

Dal Sasso C., Renesto S. – Aquatic varanoid reptiles from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) lithographic limestones of Lebanon pdf

Dalla Vecchia F. M., Muscio G. – Mesozoic Lagerstatten of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (NE Italy) pdf

Dalla Vecchia F. M., Venturini S. – The Middle Cenomanian Lagerstätte of Al Nammoura (Kesrouâne Caza, N. Lebanon) pdf

Fraser N. C., Grimaldi D. A. – A significant Late Triassic Lagerstätte from Virginia, U.S.A. pdf

Furrer H. – New excavations in marine Middle Triassic fossil-Lagerstätten at Monte San Giorgio (Canton Ticino, Southern Switzerland) and the Ducan Mountains near Davos (Canton Graubunden, Eastern Switzerland) pdf

Garassino A., Hagdorn H., Schulz M. – A decapod crustacean assemblage from the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk of Grossenlüder (Hessen, Germany) pdf

Grogan E. D., Lund R. – The environment of the Bear Gulch Limestone (Missisipian of Montana) pdf

Lombardo C. – Fossil fishes from the Besano Formation (Middle Triassic, Northern Italy) in the collection of Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano: preliminary results. 1): Composition of the fauna pdf

Lombardo C. – Fossil fishes from the Besano Formation (Middle Triassic, Northern Italy in the collection of Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano: preliminary results. 2): Taphonomy pdf

Lombardo C., Tintori A., Felber M., Danini G., Moratto D., Pacor G., Tentor M. – Unal assemblages in the kalkschieferzone (Meride Limestone, Upper Ladinian) of Meride (Canton Ticino, Switzerland) pdf

Martill D. M. – Soupy substrates as media for exceptional fossil preservation: a model for their occurrence pdf

Micklich N. – Messel-Pit – Research Excavations in a World Heritage Monument pdf

MIcklich N., Klappert G., Arratia G. – New Information on the Middle Eocene Fishfauna of Messel Pit pdf

Nosotti S. – New findings of Tanystropheus longobardicus (Reptilia, Prolacertiformes) in the Middle Triassic of Besano. (Lombardy, Northern Italy) pdf

Perez-Moreno B. P., Sanz J. L. – Theropod breathing mechanism: the osteological evidence pdf

Poyato-Ariza F. J., Wenz S. – Interrelationships of Pycnodontiform fishes: preliminary report in the first cladistic analysis of the order pdf

Renesto S., Tintori A., Lombardo C., Marazzi B. – A completephytosaur (Reptilia, Archosauria) from the Norian (Late Triassic) of Lombardy (Northern Italy) pdf

Reynoso V. H. – A new lizard from the Early Cretaceous Lagerstätten of Tepexi de Rodriguez Puebla pdf

Vila C. – Litographic Limestone: a close encounter between paleontology and printmaking pdf


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