Fossils, a world to discover

The room “Fossils, a world to be discovered” provides an overview of the evolution of our planet and of the fossils which have enabled a reconstruction of the Earth’s history. The exhibition is divided into four sections, each dedicated to the key themes of paleontology and the study of fossils, evolution and the systematics of […]

Pliocene in the Bergamo area

This room’s cabinets are dedicated to the more recent geological phenomena characterising the Pliocene epoch in the area of Bergamo. Here, we find fossilized flora and fauna developing in our region from about 5 million to 10,000 years ago. A number of cabinets are dedicated to the origins and evolution of Man, from the primates […]

Bergamo … 220 million years ago

The Bergamo area was covered by a vast stretch of water about 220 million years ago, during a stage of the Triassic period termed Norian. The landscape was similar to today’s Bahamas, with a warm, shallow sea and small islands smothered in greenery. The shallow waters would give way to deeper stretches where, at times, […]

Geology in the Bergamo area

This room provides an account of the major geological events impacting the Bergamo area over hundreds of millions of years. We have here an imaginary journey through time, from the Paleozoic era to the present day. This geological history is presented chronologically, and each cabinet refers to a single period, with descriptions of the main […]

Karst phenomena

In the room dedicated to karstification we have two itineraries. To the right of the entrance, we have “Caves in Italy”. This itinerary provides an account of the extensive distribution of this geomorphological phenomenon in Italy. To the left of the entrance, we have the other itinerary – “What is karstification” – where the phenomenon […]

Mineralogy and Petrography

In the first part of the room dedicated to mineralogy and petrography we find samples of minerals and rocks from all over the world. The last section provides an account of local mineral deposits. The first group of exhibits of the museum’s mineralogical collection includes minerals from Elba, the Carpathians and Sicily, donated to the […]


The ethnographic room hosts specimens donated to the municipality by travellers from Bergamo to remote, exotic localities. The earliest donations date back to the mid-nineteenth century. Today’s collection numbers more than 1,200 objects, mainly from Africa and the Americas. We should not be surprised to see these objects displayed at a natural sciences museum. These […]


Potrete avvicinarvi all’affascinante mondo della natura seguendo un percorso che vi permetterà di toccare con mano e scoprire da vicino la zoologia, la paleontologia e la geologia: animali, fossili, minerali e rocce sono a vostra disposizione per fare piccoli esperimenti, manipolare campioni e osservarli al microscopio. Potrete cimentarvi in divertenti giochi e fermarvi a disegnare […]

Conoscere i vertebrati

Il carattere originale che differenzia i vertebrati da tutti gli altri animali è la presenza della colonna vertebrale e di un tegumento che riveste tutta la superficie del corpo.Le prime vetrine a loro dedicate vi daranno l’opportunità di sperimentare in prima persona, toccando alcuni campioni, come sono diversi lo scheletro e la pelle nei vari […]

I microscopi

Nelle sale sono predisposte delle postazioni che permettono di osservare attraverso un microscopio e con l’aiuto di schede esplicative, i particolari degli animali che normalmente non si possono vedere a occhio nudo. I preparati naturali sono inerenti ad alcune caratteristiche dei Vertebrati come i diversi tipi di scheletro, le scaglie dei pesci, la pelle dei […]

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