L’Era Cenozoica

All’inizio di questa era (circa 65 milioni di anni fa), sul fondo del mare che ancora ricopre le Orobie meridionali, si depositano fanghi calcarei chiari. Continuano le spinte di innalzamento della catena alpina e, alla fine, tutto il territorio bergamasco emerge.Intorno a 5 milioni di anni fa, la pianura viene nuovamente sommersa dal mare e […]

L’Era Neozoica

A partire da 2 milioni di anni fa il mare lascia la pianura e si ritira fino alle attuali spiagge. I fiumi ricoprono la pianura con uno spesso manto di ghiaie. In alcune valli si formano pantani e laghetti con sedimenti ricchi di fossili: ne è un esempio il bacino lacustre di Leffe da cui […]


Geology in the bergamo area is of great importance and can be studied thanks to an extremely interesting collections of samples. The widespread Karstic phenomenon has been carefully studied and is the theme of the large room illustrating this morphological process. Mines and quarries have provided an incredibile variety of local minerals and rocks. The […]


Animals from far and near are exhibited in the zoological sector, including some species destinated to extintion. The zoology exhibits begin with vertebrates. The first showcases show the characteristics of this zoological group that, while not as numerous as the number of species, it is certainly the best known. Since the first windows can perceive […]


700,000 years ago – a deer

In Valle Borlezza, close to the settlement, Sovere, and a lake, Iseo, the paleontological research activities of the museum have enabled recovery of a magnificent specimen of Cervus acoronatus. This deer species died out some hundreds of thousands of years ago. This truly amazing fossilized adult stag features an imposing set of antlers endowed with […]

Laws of Nature: the Arc 2000

The theme behind the exhibition, “Laws of Nature: the Arc of 2000”, inaugurated in 1998, is the importance of biodiversity. The impending dangers and Mankind’s commitment to safeguarding biodiversity are both highlighted. The splendid specimen of a Tridacna shell, exhibited at the entrance to the room, is just one of the very many manifestations of […]


The cabinets devoted to the origin and evolution of man are located in the hall of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The exhibition is introduced by human phylogeny and concludes with the main findings in the area of Bergamo. The first showcases highlight some fossil forms, now completely extinct. Part of the relief is given by Australopithecus, genus […]

Sperm whale

The reconstruction of the skeleton of a sperm whale at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Bergamo enriches and complements the exhibition according to a project to illustrate the evolution of life on earth. Cetaceans are indeed a fundamental and monumental testimony (not just for size!) of this path. Mammals are adapted to aquatic life, […]

The silkworm

In this room the visitor encounters the “butterfly lays the golden eggs”: the silkworm. In the exhibition are addressed: the historical aspect, with special consideration to the city of Bergamo, and the phases of the development cycle starting from the egg to reach the cocoon, from cocoon to the wire, from wire to silk. Another innovation of this […]

Invertebrates – butterfly

This exhibition aims to present to the public a systematic group of great importance, lepidoptera, that in our country there are over 5000 species, and promote awareness of biodiversity through the observation of these insects.  This exhibition is important because the Antonio Curò collections of lepidottera (1828-1906) rappresent the ancient history of our Institute. Soon […]

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